The Global Health Studies Minor is designed for students who are looking for an international relationship experience to broaden their academic repertoires and advance their careers. Students from various health-related fields of study participate in numerous service projects in conjunction with local hospitals, care facilities, orphanages, colleges, businesses, and community centers. Currently, international fieldwork experience opportunities are available in Honduras and Belize. Prices for the field experience start at $2,500, depending on destination. The cost of the field experience is not included in your tuition and must be paid separately. Study abroad scholarships are available to help fund a portion of your trip. Additional information about this minor is available at the Georgia College International Education Center
Join students and faculty on a two-week study abroad trip to the Agalta Valley in Honduras. Immerse yourself in local culture and explore how citizens of Honduras are improving their community through education, construction, agriculture, water filtration and medical care. (Offered during fall semester.)

Explore integrative concepts of sociology, history, international relations, government, politics and cultural studies. Students will have an opportunity to engage in service projects with local college students and local health organizations. (Offered during summer semester.)